Collaboration, Sustainability, impact

Building collaborative philanthropic partnerships between Asia and the Nordics

Driving global impact and sustainability in Asia

what does it take

… to mitigate future impact of climate change, accelerate the adaption of sustainable technology and improve the lives of millions across Asia?

This is the question SPACES sets out to answer by engaging global businesses, research institutions, philanthropic foundations and 
local civic organisations in both Asia and the Nordics.

Together, we aim to identify strategic solutions for the rapidly escalating challenges of the future

‣ We spearhead collaborative philanthropy between the Nordics and Asia

‣ We include the private sector in a wider societal dialogue about tomorrow’s green growth

‣ We actively seek and engage with funding partners to mitigate climate change and positively impact
the socio-economic fabric in Asia

‣ We work with sectoral experts to create and disseminate thought leadership to advance the adoption
of sustainable methodologies across Asia

SPACES facilitates the engagement of philanthropic foundations in innovative global partnerships and provides a structured framework for designing, developing and implementing interventions with measurable impact.

SPACES believes that only through leveraging the collective capacity of both regions is it possible to drive sustainability on a truly global scale in Asia.

SPACES unites diverse stakeholders from Asia and the Nordics towards a shared mission of accelerating green transition in Asia.

What does spaces do?

core partners


Ove Ullerup EAC Foundation
Kim Nøhr Skibsted Poul Due Jensen Grundfos Foundation

spaces prototype

SPACES timeline